Self Study 3 - Terrain and ProBuilder

Terrain and ProBuilder

This self study was about learning the basics of creating vast landscapes with the terrain tool and modelling placeholder geometry in Unity rather than modelling it externally with something like Blender.

Using the terrain tool is like digital sculpting where the land can be pulled upwards, or smoothed over to remove sharp edges. In this gif you can see a smooth ramp leading to a plateau created with the 'Set Height' brush, that brings terrain to one specific elevation. 

I attached the camera to the player so you can explore the larger level without walking off the edge of the screen, and sprinting with shift is now possible for when you need to cross open spaces quickly.

ProBuilder was used to create this small scene with two elevations. The premade stairs, arch, and spiral stair objects came in handy and I used a rotated torus (ring) to create the blue entrance.

Terrain textures are from:

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